2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Jill Elizabeth has read 1 book toward her goal of 285 books.

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Jill Elizabeth has read 5 books toward her goal of 265 books.

25 Random Things Part Trio

So here we have it – the continuation of the posts from Monday and Wednesday – my new list of 25 Random Things. In the interest of historical accuracy (teehee), I will stick with the original rules which were (for those of you who forgot): Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. So here you have it, twenty-five random things about me for 2011. Can’t WAIT to see what I make of these in two more years!


25 Random Things
by Jill Arent on Wednesday, May 19, 2011 at 10:26pm

1. I think I should have been a plumber instead of a lawyer. Seriously. I seem to spend half my life trying to find a plumber, waiting to hear back from a plumber, and/or paying a plumber to do work. Granted, some may say the same things about lawyers. I’ve always known more lawyers than you could shake a stick at (teehee – I love that expression, even though I have no freaking idea what it means) and have often heard people complain that they were surrounded by lawyers – I have never once heard anyone complain that they were surrounded by plumbers.

2. I am enjoying writing short stories, even though I have never really enjoyed reading them. I don’t know if this is because my tastes have changed or because I am too lazy/slow to write longer things though. The not-knowing is bothering me more than a little bit.

3. My current car is a girl, known as Lil’ Car. My previous car was a boy, known as Little Car. This may seem like a non-distinction to you, but it is not. They are very different. Little Car was a six-cylinder Audi tricked out with sports suspension and wheels. Lil’ Car is a four-cylinder turbo Acura that talks to me. I told you – very different.

4. I think basketball is the most boring professional sport. Even more boring than soccer. I know, I know – I will take grief for this. I don’t care.

5. Creepy multi-legged bugs seem to be following me lately. Seriously. They keep appearing in my basement, and today when The Fiancee was getting his hair cut, there was one on the floor that kept zeroing in on me like it was Homer Simpson and I was a donut. Honestly – I would kick it away (knocking 2-3 of its 157 legs off) and it would turn around and skitter right back at me; he would kick it even farther away (knocking at least 5-6 more legs off), and it would gimp right back at me again. This happened at least six times. I’m starting to develop a complex…

6. If I could only have one superpower, I would want to be able to fly. If I could have two, I would also want to be telekinetic. That way I would never have to wait for anything – I could fly anywhere I wanted to go and if people/things got in my way, I could remove them.

7. American money should be pretty, like every other country’s money. Why do we have such boring money? The little bit of purple on the five is just a teaser. Why does the government mock us with a token bit of color? Not cool. Not cool at all, I say.

8. Speaking of money, why do we still have pennies? What good are they? I mean, you can’t even get gumballs with them anymore… I’ve heard rumors a couple of times that the government was going to do away with pennies. I support this movement.

9. I hate Verizon. Just saying… Why oh why, in this day and age, do I have to fight to get a stable internet connection in my relatively new house?? I am willing to pay, mind you. But apparently, throwing money at this problem will not make it go away. Sigh.

10. Speaking of Verizon, I also hate squirrels. Apparently, I live in an area that is a well-known squirrel hazard zone for telephone wires. Seriously. I was told this by more than one Verizon service representative. Apparently, my immediate neighborhood has a toxic squirrel problem – the little bastards routinely chew through our telephone wires, resulting in complete loss of telephone service (twice for me, to date). Seriously. The squirrels apparently grab the wire with their tiny little hands and gnaw right through it – causing no harm to the squirrel, but immense irritation to the humans (both the phone customers and the service techs). Why oh why (I say again), in this day and age, is this happening? Do you mean to tell me that there is no way to prevent squirrels from chewing on telephone wires? Does someone really mean to say that, with a straight face? We live in a world where rice is grown in deserts, babies are conceived in test tubes, and men can fly to the moon, but no one can devise a way to keep squirrels away from phone lines? Madness, madness I tell you.

11. As I have gotten older, my formerly stick-straight hair has gotten oddly wavy (and sometimes downright curly in the under-layers). I find this extremely odd, but I like it.

12. Now that I am reviewing books on a semi-professional basis, I am finding that I don’t really like reviewing books. Teehee. I still love reading and sharing my thoughts/opinions – don’t get me wrong. But I’m finding that I don’t like having to produce those thoughts/opinions on command. I’m starting to think I just don’t like working for anyone, in any capacity – even if it means free books and doing something I would otherwise do anyway. Teehee again, she said.

13. I do my best writing at night. Same for my best thinking. Always have, and am starting to think I always will. And yet, as I get older, I find that I get oddly tired oddly early a lot of the time. This does not seem to bode well for my writing future… Boo, hiss.

[Ok, it happened again – my short, sweet, “I don’t have much to say so I’m saying random things” post has turned out to be too long for one day… So I’m cutting this one into parts too. Teehee – my first series, woohoo! Hey, think I could get these published as a book? What about an e-book? A magazine story? Anything? Bueller? ]

2 comments to 25 Random Things Part Trio

  • amy

    ok so by far the best is #10 b/c I almost died laughing.

    I think it’s interesting you don’t like reviewing books b/c you are very opinionated (not in a bad way) and tend to have strong convictions about what book should be. One would think you would feel the need to express that, but I suppose it comes back to your taste being subjective and as you go through the process of becoming a writer, you also have to consider those people had that same beginning as well (how’s that for a runnnnnn onnnnnn sentence)

  • teehee – I’m glad you liked it Mamy! (and yes, for anyone reading these comments, she is THE Mamy of “Mamy’s Dictionary” – insert applause here) Thanks for reading/commenting – it has been surprising to me too how I don’t enjoy reviewing books as much as I thought I would (in fact, writing them feels rather like writing book reports). I don’t know if it is my writer-ness or what, but it is weird. I used to think I could be an editor/reviewer professionally – now, not so much…

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