(Ok, there, I’ve gushed. Review done.)
That’s not it, of course – although it could be. You should definitely take my word for it: this sequel was every bit as enjoyable as the first in the series. Things pick up right where they left off (I reread The Year of the Knife to catch myself up and am glad I did), and never stop running from page one until the bitter end.
I am continually impressed by Penman’s ability to generate a wholly unique world that reminds me of other concepts and things I’ve read but only in a positive and reflective, never a comparative, way. It’s like drifts of favorite book memories waft across my subconscious while I’m reading, reminding me why I love particular types of stories or storylines. They never pull me out of the tale or make anything feel repetitive or derivative, rather they reinforce why I am enjoying what I’m reading. It’s a weird sensation but fabulous: affirmations of why I’m so enraptured by the story…
The characters. The plot. The magic. The world-building. The pacing. The revelations. The interpersonal (even when not everyone is a person) relationships. Every single thing about this book resonates and is spot-on perfect. Once I start a book in this series, I can’t put it down – it’s that simple. Rumor has it there’s a third title coming out this year and that it’s the final book in the trilogy (oh marvelous day and horror of horrors simultaneously). It literally cannot come out soon enough for me. There’s so much going on in this wholly unique and marvelous universe and I can’t even guess where things might go next – each time I think I see what’s coming around the bend in one of these, I find myself confounded in the best possible way, so I’ve stopped trying. I can guarantee it’ll be one helluva ride though… If you haven’t jumped on this train yet, for crying in the soup, do it quick – you won’t want to miss the magic!
Thanks to the author and publisher, Meerkat Press, for my obligation-free review copy of this incredible tale!
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