What a darling and utterly original book this was! My daughter (5) enjoys the rhythm of poems and rhyming children’s books. I find they are a great way to get her interested in language, and after we read these, she wandered about creating her own silly-fun rhymes about everyday life for days!
I particularly liked the messages in The Experience Chair, Perfect Friend and Parent’s Point of View. My daughter liked the silliness of Fly Invader and Pet Rex. The illustrations are super cute, the poems are funny at a level appreciated by a preschooler AND her mom, and the whole book delivers very positive and important messages while remaining highly engaging, entertaining, and just plain fun. The book was a great addition to our reading routine. Here’s hoping we see more from this talented team!
About the Authors:
This brother and sister pair of teenage poets enthrall readers while presenting a meaningful message within a creative poetic package. They carefully crafted novel poems to entertain all ages, to include the toughest of all audiences: teenagers! Then world renowned artist, Fanny Liem, put on her headphones, turned on country music, and created topnotch illustrations. Fanny Liem lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. Antonio and Anissa Ferris were born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. At the time of first publication, Anissa Ferris is a freshman and Antonio Ferris is a senior in high school.
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